It is always been fun to access a local machine that is running at your home or at university or somewhere which does not have a public IP address or you do not have control over the network.

I already wrote a post about cloudflare tunneling however it was about serving local web applications. This time I will show you how to access local SSH service without exposing it to the world.

I was not thinking to write a post about this, however, before knowing cloudflare tunneling, I was considering renting a static IP address from my ISP. However, it costs some money, and also from a security point of view, it is not a good idea to expose your local machine to the world. ( somehow we do already but that’s a different topic :) )


  • A domain managed by Cloudflare (free tier is enough)
  • You can check out how to add your domain to Cloudflare here

Steps to be followed on the remote machine

Once you have a domain managed by Cloudflare, you can start to configure your remote machine. You need to install cloudflared cli. (The machine that you want to access remotely through SSH).

Installation and configuring clouflared tool is very well explained in Cloudlfare’s documentation.

Please follow the steps of configuring cloudlfared tool from the official documentation.

When you are done with logging in and configuring cloudflared tool. You can create a tunnel to your local machine and configure it with SSH service.

# create a tunnel
$ cloudflared tunnel create my-tunnel

You will get a tunnel ID. You will need this ID to configure your local machine.

Now you need to create a route to the tunnel. (The domain is the domain that you have added to Cloudflare.)

# create a route
$ cloudflared tunnel route dns my-tunnel

The SSH service or any other service can be configured from CLI however it will be ephemeral.

To make it persistent, you need to create a configuration file under ~/.cloudflared/config.yml.

tunnel: my-tunnel
credentials-file: /home/awesomeuser/.cloudflared/credentials-file.json
url: ssh://localhost:22

You can find the full documentation

Once you created the configuration file (config.yml), then you can execute the install command to serve your local SSH service through the Cloudflare tunnel.

$ cloudflared --config ~/.cloudflared/config.yml tunnel service install

Apart from tunneling, since we are exposing SSH service, it is a rule of thumb to use SSH keys instead of a password.

# change PasswordAuthentication value in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and restart SSH service 
$ sudo sed -i 's/PasswordAuthentication yes/PasswordAuthentication no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
$ sudo service ssh restart

These are the steps that you need to follow on the machine that you would like to access remotely through SSH.

Steps to be followed on the client machine

Once you have configured your remote machine, you need to install cloudflared cli on your client machine too. (The machine which you use to access the remote machine through SSH)

You can follow the same installation instructions from

On the client side, you need to configure SSH for the host which uses cloudflare tunnel.

Add the following lines to the file ~/.ssh/config.

Host myhost 
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  ProxyCommand cloudflared access ssh --hostname %h
  User awesomeuser

I assumed that you already shared keys with your remote machine.

If you did not, you can follow the steps from

Additionally, please follow best practices for SSH configuration from

Now you can access your remote machine through SSH.

$ ssh myhost

That’s it. You can access your remote machine from anywhere in the world. No need to have a public IP address or move your machine with you when traveling.