automate: run github ci/cd through slack slash command

In this post, I will create a simple command to run a workflow on Github using AWS Gateway service. This post was written when AWS offered 1 million free API calls per month for a 12-month period. Setup Github The setup on the Github side is minimal and only requires adding a line to the existing workflow file. For demonstration purposes, I will go use one of the repository from merkez. Let’s choose insthat repository for this occurence. ...

January 15, 2023 · 4 min · mrturkmen

cherry-pick: re-build git history

Intro git cherry-pick is a powerful subcommand of git extensive information can be found here: In this mini blog post, I will demonstrate how I just used it to remove specific commits from git history and preserve rest of the information as it is. (e.g metadata, timestamps, author, committer information) cherry-pick is generally used to remove some of the commits from git history, or re-order commit history. In this example, I will go through simple use case of it with combination of git filter-branch. ...

August 2, 2022 · 2 min · mrturkmen

cloudflare workers: add auth to free Gitbook space

Gitbook is simple, easy and free way of keeping notes under your own domain. However, it is NOT possible to set password protection when you do not want anyone access to your resources except you or your team for free. (More information: Nice news is that it is possible to set password protection even though you are on free tier with some tricks. First of all, for this example, your custom domain should be configured to Cloudflare, since I will use Cloudflare Workers to setup Basic Authentication in between you and Gitbook origin. ...

June 28, 2022 · 4 min · mrturkmen

github-actions: complain messages to a company in automated way

I am alive !!! Right, I did not post anything for long time and could not imagine that this will be my next blog post after long time, but it is indeed. This is a story about a company who hold the product (- sent for warranty -) for five months and did not respond any emails. Let’s start from the beginning of the story, the product itself is not important, instead how they (- company -) approached to situation is important. ...

February 25, 2022 · 4 min · mrturkmen

ansible: deploy easily in simple steps

In this post, deployment process of an application with Ansible will be explained. Traditionally applications can be deployed in different ways, quite similar approach to deploy applications like in Ansible is executing bash script which has ssh commands. To give an example, Travis continuous integration has a feature where a bash script can be defined to deploy application and through given instructions within bash script, application can be successfully deployed. ...

December 12, 2020 · 6 min · mrturkmen

ansible: introductory handwritten notes

While watching video tutorial about Ansible, I took some notes and created following PDF file. INTRODUCTION TO ANSIBLE HANDWRITTEN NOTES

December 5, 2020 · 1 min · mrturkmen

auto-latex: generate and handle latex through github actions

In this post, I will be describing to setup a workflow to build and release your Latex files through Github actions. First of all, keep in mind that this post is not about what is Latex and how to use it. It is extremely nice to integrate daily development tools such as CI/CD to your preparation of paper, without any hassle. Why is that because it is cool to track of what has been changed on a paper over time. In fact, having a couple of people who are responsible in different parts of paper, sometimes blocks others. Therefore, having such a workflow will increase productivity for everyone in a group. Whenever pull request created to main branch, it will be easy to check typos, logic errors and missing points by others. ...

October 26, 2020 · 3 min · mrturkmen